Easter Hols
Well here we are; the last two days before my 4 year old goes back to school, we’ll call him H. And for the first time in two weeks, I’m relaxing! Actually lying on the sofa watching what I want on TV, granted I have a baby snuggled on me, feeding at her leisure. But this is real lazy relaxation! Bliss! We’ve had some nice times these holidays, a couple of family trips out and lots of quality time together. We’ve enjoyed a couple of local tourist attractions, the local country park and cafe a few times, soft play and lots of extra cuddles. And actually (and a bit unusually) H’s behaviour has been pretty good! In the past and still now on occasion he can drive me to insanity with his bad behaviour, I can’t say he necessarily does naughty things, he just can be very cheeky, doesn’t listen when asked to do things and he does have quite a bad temper ( not sure where that comes from...joke) But he’s been great! He has taken to his new role as a big brother like a duck to water and i...